Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Linen Days

Tea cozies are a part of my vintage linen collection.
The cozies here were each found at an antique sale
in the Cotswolds of England.
Funny, but when I bought all there, the lady said, "oh I wish I had brought
all of the cozies from home." I probably would have bought
them all too. She was charging 2 euros each.
I love the embroidery and lace.
The cozy in the middle I use often.
There was one more to the collection that now lives
at my daughter's home.
"Never trust a man who,
when left alone in a room
with a tea cozy, doesn't try it on."
~Billy Connolly
Love that quote.
Have you ever put a cozy on your head?


Deanna said...

Ha ha Ha...I have never tried a cozy on my head, wouldn't that be a sight?
Hi Marilyn! Like your post today about your collection.
So pretty and delicate to have.
What a nice treat to have for your life.
Blessings and hope you'll share more of your linens. They are so nice to have. I just love them.

La Tea Dah said...

Oh, your collection is beautiful! I love them --- and too bad the lady hadn't brought all she had at home!

parTea lady said...

Your vintage tea cozies are so gorgeous - works of art. How wonderful to buy them for under $3 apiece. Do you have any tips on how to care for them?

Yes, I think that is a funny quote and no, I've never tried on a tea cosy. Some knitted ones do look like touk hats don't they?

Annie Jeffries said...

I just love these, Marilyn. In fact, Linen Monday is always one of my favorite Monday visits. Keep 'em coming.

Linda Jennings said...

Nice collection! And, even more special that you purchased them in the Cotswolds. I love going to "table top" sales in the little villages there.

Angela McRae said...

What a beautiful bunch of tea cozies! I think I like the story of how you found them as much as the cozies themselves!

Gina E. said...

Hi Marilyn,
I found your comment on another blog about linens, and just had to come over and visit! I also collect vintage linens, and have about 50 embroidered teacosies, not unlike the ones you are showing here, which are lovely! The remark from the lady selling them, saying she wished she'd brought all of them with her, reminds me of a garage sale I went to a few years ago. There was a laundry basket full of hand embroidered linens and when I offered to buy the lot, the girl said "Oh perhaps I'd better bring the rest out. I didn't think anyone would want them", and brought out a huge box full! I nearly had a fit! Had to rush to the bank to get some more money out!!