Thursday, October 17, 2024

Two Stories


Today I want to step away from sharing travel pictures. I want to share two stories that happened to me just yesterday. Yesterday was my shopping day. I ventured to the market to buy groceries. Now I have shopped at this market for 50 years. It has always been just a normal shopping experience. Yesterday was no exception until I got to check out. The kind woman at the register asked me if I had some digital coupons and I replied I did not, mainly because I don't like having to scroll through my phone to find them. She said, "I can take care of that" and she gave me the discounts for the things that qualified. Then she went on to give me some other discounts, which added up to about $60 savings. I thanked her. She said "we are here to take care of you". I told her the no one in the store had ever said that before to me. She reassured me that was her role to be there to take care of her customers. That really touched my heart. You see I had been thinking, as a strong woman no one takes care of me. I take care of those around me, but in return don't feel taken care of. I can only think of one or two friends that take care of me. One of you reads this post, thank you for your care.

The second story took place on the way home from the market. My hair dresser comes to my house to cut my hair about every 5 weeks and she doesn't sell hair products. I needed a new hair spray and my hair dresser said just stop by a salon and buy hair spray there. So on the way home yesterday I stopped by a salon near my house. When I walked in to this very simple salon I realized I was the only white woman. I think they were surprised to see me come in as much as I was surprised to be there. They didn't sell hair products; so I turned to leave. The woman in the chair said "Mam" and I turned to see what she wanted. She had noticed the little sticker on my purse that said "Vote Blue" and asked me about my sticker. We had the most amazing conversation. All the women in the salon agreed they were voting Blue and were thrilled I was too. We agreed we needed to encourage the men in our lives to also vote Blue. I thanked them for the conversation and turned to go. Again I heard "Mam". When I turned again the hair dresser handed me the hair spray half used and gave it to me.

Tears in my eyes for these women with kindness in their hearts.

I definitely felt cared for. Something we need to remember to do each day. Touches of kindness and caring are so necessary. We must care for each other each and every day and take notice. What touches of care have you received this week?

Sending love,


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bloedel Reserve

 Recently on my small adventure north we spent an afternoon walking and savoring a lovely autumn day at Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island, Washington.

I will try to post the rest of the trip in several posts this week.

Bloedel is just gorgeous. It was an estate set aside for the public to enjoy. From beautiful trees, flowers, a reflective pool, beautifully groomed trails, water ways, and the estate home.

 Golden leaves were just beginning to appear.

This was the entrance to the Japanese Teahouse. The teahouse is primarily set up for day retreats, no tea was being served.

I always love spotting flowers in bloom.

And unique trees too.

I actually have visited here on several occasions, but always look forward to each time I stop by. It is so peaceful and worth the visit. But then nature calls to my heart and at each opportunity I must go.
Sending love,

Monday, October 14, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

"Kindness makes this world beautiful"

More pictures from my recent adventure.

My sister-in-law, above with my "live-in-gardener", always has a kind word for those she meets along the way.

Near her home is a lovely hiking trail, which we took on one of the days we were visiting. Here are some glimpses of that hike. What is interesting about this hike is that at the bottom of the hill was a waterfall and creek. The only people we met on the trail were two women at the waterfall. They were leaving the ashes of their mother and best friend to flow with the water in that beautiful place.

We stood back at a respectful distance until they were finished with their private ceremony.

When they finished my sister-in-law stepped up to them with words of kindness and love, then gave them each a hug. It was a very tender, beautiful moment.

They then went their way and we went ours. But the touches of kindness still reside in my heart.
Sending love,

Monday, October 7, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 It is truly amazing how often I come across words of kindness on social media. This is a picture I came across recently and thought it was perfect to share with you.

Some days seem harder than others to remember to "give yourself kindness and grace". 

Dear friends, let's always support each other in kindness and send out joy to others. 

Sending love,


Friday, October 4, 2024

Sail Away with Me

 Webster says, the metaphor for sailing is: "And that's where the parts of the metaphorical sail come in: exploration, love, and purpose. Exploration is the driver of all growth, defined by the desire to seek out and make sense of novel, challenging, and uncertain events."

I love the concept of "sail away with me", an adventure, delight and discovery.

Thus, the week recently attended was that indeed. My sister-in-law has this view from her house every day. It is always such a treat to visit her and enjoy the morning sunrise. Each one is different, a new discovery.


Later in the day the view changed.

And yet, another view to include her garden.

There was always something to see right from her windows.

And then there was a walk to the marina where the boats rested, waiting for their owners to come along for a new adventure.


This boat was gorgeous and a replica of a historic sailing ship.

Did I mention that I am a water/nature girl? Could I sail away on an adventure, a new discovery? Could you?

This area of northern Washington State is wrapped in water. Just about anywhere you go there is a canal, lake, or river. And when there is water there seems to be boats. This last picture is on Bainbridge Island, right next to the ferry we took to head over more water to visit Seattle.

Next week I will share more of the adventure, but for now I thought you would like to imagine sailing to some exotic, unknown location and finding a new adventure.

Happy weekend, dear friends!

Sending love,


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Gravenstein Apples


In my last post Jan H. was curious about my mention of Gravenstein apples. She did a little research and found they are an endangered apple. Many people don't know about this beautiful apple.

"Gravs, as fans call them, are delicious and versatile. Depending on the degree of ripeness, they can be perfect for munching or making into apple sauce, apple pies, and other baked goodies. People have long believed that the Gravenstein was brought to Sonoma County (California) sometime around 1812 by Russian fur trappers at Fort Ross."  I always thought they came from Scandanavia, but maybe it was Russia. Some are stripey like the picture above and some have a soft yellow green skin.

The main reason you don't see them in the market is because they don't transport well, they bruise easily. That is probably why they are diminishing.

You might ask how I know so much about this lovely apple. I will tell you. My grandpa was an apple grower in Colorado in the early 1900's. Then because my grandma wanted to move to California, he took up growing in the Sonoma County area about the 1930's. He fell in love with the Gravenstein apple and started growing them. Two of my aunts/uncles then had orchards on each side of my grandpa about the time I was born in the 1940's. The grandchildren came along, there ended up being 27 of us. I was the second grandchild and oldest girl. We all, at times, worked in one way or the other with the apples. It might have been picking them from the ground, sorting them in the packing house, or making boxes.

My sister still lives on 2 acres of what was our grandpa's orchard. There are still Gravenstein apple trees on her property. She makes gallons and gallons of apple juice each year, which she shares with her four sons and their families.  

My uncles orchard is now mostly in grapes. Yes, Sonoma County later became wildly popular for growing wine grapes. My uncle would be so sad to see all the grapes on his property. The new owners did leave the apple trees to border the vineyard, just to honor the history of the Gravenstein.

My aunts each thought they made the best Gravenstein pies. It was a fun family tradition. To this day several of the girl cousins still think they make the best Gravenstein pie. Of course, I think mine is the best. Each August I make sure to get enough Gravenstein's to have 2-4 pie fillings in my freezer. They are indeed getting harder to find and a very short season when I do find some. There are just a few growers here in Oregon that grow them, but they just aren't the Gravenstein's I find in Sonoma County, California. The tradition does carry on.

And thus, the people that shared my pie at the Harvest Festival last Saturday didn't know this story of my apple pie, but they enjoyed it just the same.

One more time with the picture of the Gravenstein apple pie. When I started making these pies I would put a butterfly on the top, that has become my mark for the pies I bake.

Hope you enjoyed the story of the Gravenstein apples. My post is early, as I am leaving town in a couple hours for a little R&R and a bunch of tea at the Northwest (Seattle) Tea Festival. See you here later next week.

Sending love,


Monday, September 23, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 Dragonflies delight my soul when spotted at Lan Su Chinese Gardens.


“In the flutter of a butterfly’s wings, we find a gentle reminder to appreciate the small moments in life and to find joy in life’s simple pleasures.”

 by Shree Shambav


Always a butterfly appears on my pies. It was a joy to bake this Gravenstein apple pie for a harvest gathering.

And then to walk in a fruit tree orchard.

And to end the celebration of the Autumn Equinox by sitting by the fire.

Happy Autumn Equinox, dear friends!

Sending love,
