Picture is of my favorite spring teacup sitting in a bird nesting box made by my husband.
I have been thinking alot lately about being "In the moment". What does that mean? I understand that when drinking a cup of tea. I can sit quietly, holding a warm cup in my hand, and pause in the moment. Then I read in Simple Abundunce a couple weeks ago about paying attention when we are embracing and talking to others. To stop, look them in the eyes, and take in what they are sharing. How often do you or I really do that, when we are rushing around trying to get just one more thing done? The book says to speak softly, listen attentively, and act as if every conversation you have is the most important thing on your mind today. In Quaker circles we are told to "center down". Bring our core thoughts down to focus on God. A friend gave me an old article from the newspaper and the title was "Take timeout with tea". Am I being told to focus and center, paying attention to each one that crosses my path? This is something I am struggling with right now, as my life sometimes gets very busy and I rush around. I believe many of us probably find ourselves in this state of rushing and not paying attention. Let's all take time today to slow down, sip a cup of your favorite tea, and look in the eyes of those around you. Give full attention to those around you, whether it is petting your dog or cat, talking to your spouse, or returning a faulty computer to the store (as I am doing today). Now this will be the real test for me today. Let me know how it works for you.
Don't forget the give away mentioned on Monday's blog. Leave comments this week to be entered into the drawing.