Friday, August 9, 2013

A "Me" Day

Do you ever take a "Me" day?
Plucky Maidens Junk Fest at McMenamins in Troutdale was just that sort of day.

I arrived early and watched the vendors busily setting up there wares.

I strolled through the grounds just taking in the perfect weather sort of summer day.

Don't you just love the yellow pom-poms hanging in the trees?
Oh dear, I am laughing at this photo now.
See the woman leaning over checking out the wares and the smiling
one in the black dress?  Too funny!  I think I had better make
this picture larger, so you can see.
Just others out enjoying the day, chatting with friends, playing, and smiling.

It seemed like I was most taken by the apparel I saw.

But found a few other things appealing to the eyes.

This was a gorgeous child's dress of silk from I.Magnin's.

The softness of the colors here delighted the eyes.

A creative artist making beauty out of vintage fabrics.
I will visit her store sometime.

It was fun just to watch women trying on hats.
I stood there for awhile and watched.

This is a place one can dream, finding just the thing you know you can't live without.
What I came home with was a green metal tool box, just what I was looking for.
One day I will share it with you, as it will hold tools of art not hammers and nails.

Yes, yesterday I played.
I hope very soon you find time to play.
It is good for the soul.
Happy Weekend, dear friends!


Rosemary said...

This looks like a fabulous way to spend an afternoon! Fun photos!

Jeanie said...

I DO take a me day now and then -- but I wish I was taking YOUR me day with you -- this is just "my cuppa tea!"

Mary said...

Wish I could have been there with you - such lovely things.
I can't play today and may be resting up for a few.

Love, Mary

Laurie said...

That is my kind of day Marilyn! My eyes went right to that little yellow cabinet, and the hats are classic! I'll take that metal chair please?

Bernideen said...

I have played lately and the result has been....I don't want to go back to work!

Joy said...

What a fun play day, I'd love to have been there, too!

Tessa~ said...

What a delightful day you had! Thank you for taking us along, and letting us share it, with you.

A fully wonderful day. But ohhhhh, seeing those children's clothes, made from vintage fabrics!!! Oh sigh! Oh my! :-)))))


Gail said...

What a wonderful, whimsical, full of creative surprises day. I loved it!
Love Gail

Lorrie said...

Play days can be such fun! These days are full of activity, but soon I hope to take a day just for me.
Lovely photos of beautifully made things.

Jeanne said...

Fabulous posting

Embrace your bliss it is the key to happines.

Love all you share.

Have a Soulful Sunday sweet friend.

Tracy said...

Oh, now that is my kind of day out & about! LOVELY wares and inspiring ideas! I love the care with which stall holders display their offerings. I have "me" days often... I find I need "me" time to really refresh my batteries and be a better wife, daughter, friend, etc. If we don't take care of ourselves a little bit, it's not always easy to take care of others. Happy Days, Marilyn ((HUGS))

n/a said...

Hi: I recognized those huge yellow flowers right away. Do you know 'Magpie Ethel?' She posted about this event on August 7 on her blog, Looks delightful! Thanks for sharing.

Sharon in Alabama

laurie -magpie ethel said...

I love that you took a me day and took the time to enjoy yourself. Great shots of Plucky from above.(upper veranda of the building?) I am one of those people who NEEDS a me day often..perks me up and makes me happy. Fun to see your photos!

Angela McRae said...

That looks like a wonderful place to celebrate a "Me" day!