Friday, January 24, 2014

This and That

A little of this and a little of that.

I saw the first plum blossom this morning on some branches we have in water pruned from our plum tree.
The daffodils and crocus are continuing to show above ground.
A few camellia pink blossoms have begun to appear.
The daphne is budding.
The first tiny bits of life are appearing on the Japanese maple tree.
And I have found that sipping teas is truly a delight.
Yes, you my dear friends are a delight, but I can only have one who will
receive a tea sample from me.
The winner is:  Sandi@Rose Chintz Cottage
Congratulations Sandi!


Jeanne said...

How beautiful are the blossoms of spring. Here's to brand new beginnings which every spring presents to us.
I love all of your postings


Jeanie said...

Sigh. One day we, too, will see blooming branches -- but I'm not betting the farm it will be soon!

Adrienne said...

I love the signs of Spring that are appearing all around our area. That teapot is so sweet! I need to stop for tea much more often these days. Your teapot inspires me to make stopping for tea more often a new 'habit'.

Laurie said...

I think it's going to be quite a while before I see any kind of blossoms here in MI, the subzero temps and tons of snow are taking care of that. Enjoy though!

Tracy said...

Plum blossoms... already, in January... that seems such a miracle to me, especially since we are in a deep freeze of snow here at the moment! Lovely to imagine... :o) Happy Days, Marilyn ((HUGS)) P.S. And congrats to Sandi!

Angela McRae said...

How exciting that you are beginning to see signs of spring! I'm jealous!

Rosemary said...

This post speaks of a promise of spring. Our ground is still snow covered and more frigid temps are predicted. For the moment, I will believe in the future1

relevanttealeaf said...

What a gorgeous teapot! What beautiful signs of spring you're enjoying. It's a long ways away for us here in Michigan. Schools are closed due to the frigid temperatures. But spring will come eventually, and we'll enjoy it when it arrives.