Monday, January 11, 2021

A Word for the Week


Colors for a Palette


Sooty black for the precise

Etching of bare trees. For ice

A pale translucent hue

Approximating grey; and blue

For shadows in the rifts

Between the moon and new snowdrifts.

~Kitchen Sonnets by Ethel Romig Fuller

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields,

That it kisses them so gently?

And then it covers them up snug.

You know, with a white quilt: 

and perhaps it says, 'Go to sleep, darlings, 

till the summer comes again.'" 

~Lewis Carroll 

The words from both Ethel and Lewis conjure up different colors to me.

Can you imagine walking through the grey and blue or

maybe covered by a quilt of white?

Do you sleep or hibernate through the winter months?

Are you searching for new life of the springtime?

Note: pictures taken on this day four years ago in my garden.

Today is much warmer with just rain and seeing a few daffodils pushing through the ground.

So if you haven't guessed the word today is WINTER in a multitude of colors.


mamasmercantile said...

Such beautiful scenes and so nice to reflect on previous Winters.

Jeanie said...

I want to hibernate these days for any number of reasons. Longing for springtime and in awe of your snow -- although I see it's four years ago. Still, that's a LOT. I'd love to be seeing your daffodils!

Lorrie said...

Both the words and the photos show Winter at its best. I long for snow, but it's been so warm thus far, with many rainy days. Daffodils will be a cheery sight once they bloom.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your photos always warm my heart, Marilyn. You get much snow where you live. I love that picture of the window and the snow and the candle. And the Lewis Caroll quote is delightful. It's been pretty cold here, and one day we saw a bit of snow covering the front yard.

Have a pleasant week, Marilyn.


Laura Morrigan said...

Lovely photos! I have only ever seen snow once! I would like to see it again!