Saturday, August 31, 2024

Flowers are Our Friends

 Bringing flowers indoors whether from the garden or the market, they are my friend.

They light up my life each and every day.

You can always find a small and sometimes a large bouquet inside my house, even in winter. They make me smile.

Even on my tea tray there is a flower or two.

"Just living is not enough....One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." Hans Christian Andersen

I hope flowers are your friend too.

They delight my soul each and every day.

Sending love,



Jeanie said...

One cannot help but smile at flowers -- in the wild or even more, when presented!

Red Rose Alley said...

Flowers are the magic in our lives, and I especially love that Pink rose you've shared today. It's just the right color. I have another blog friend who loves flowers as much as you do, Marilyn. She brings them in and puts them in vases all the time. Those black-eyed Susans are delightful.

I hope you have beautiful September days. It's such a pleasant month. : )
