Monday, September 16, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 This past week:

My "live-in gardener and son most often take a walk each day, but on one day this past week my son asked me to walk with him. Isn't it interesting when you get alone with one of your children, either small or big, they talk more openly. We had to pause and take a look at a few things along the way. We were noticing the small things.
Two comments I came across this week were:

In the end only kindness matters

Be Kind for no reason


Both so true. Kindness does matter and it is so important to be kind for no reason. When I was out and about a woman smiled at me, it felt like kindness was there for no reason at all. I remembered that smile all day long. 

Sending love,



busybusybeejay said...

I smile at people all the time!!!They probably think I am a bit stupid!Barbarax

Red Rose Alley said...

What a nice gesture that your son asked you to take a walk with him. This is a delightful picture. You're so right about spending time with our children and having good talks. I was thinking the same thing today when I get together with my daughters. It's funny how we remember those kind things that are presented to us, like the lady who smiled at you for no reason at all.


Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you had a walk together. That sounds lovely -- and you're right, you talk more and differently. Very special, Marilyn.

Lorrie said...

Cute photo of your son! We love having all of our children over at once, but it gets rather wild. It's much easier to have a good conversation when there are fewer people around. It's very special to spend time one on one with a child, grown-up or not.