Today was the first day of advent. I opened worship at my church with the following. It only once mentioned kindness, but Hope is a part of kindness. They can both be healing to our hearts when they are hurting. Remember to never let go of hope and kindness.
A quote tea nerds may have come across, “Where there is tea, there is hope”. The quote is taken from an Arther Wing Pinero play, which takes place during the First World War. Tea was a staple part of a soldiers living. They took a break each day, even in the trenches, to have a calming cup of tea. It gave the soldiers hope during a time of struggle.
Today we celebrate the first day of Advent. Matt (my pastor) will be sharing words of hope at advent time today.
For me hope comes with the morning light. The light allows me to see the path forward. On Social media this year I have focused on Kindness and since the election kindness has turned to hope. I must focus on the small glimmer of hope in darkness. In noticing the small glimmers of hope, we will see the way forward. Those glimmers are like the stars at night and the star in Bethlehem that lead the way for Joseph and Mary.
Quaker’s say, “I will hold you in the light”. Many churches today are lighting the first advent candle. Light shines in the darkness of winter, even if only the glow from one small candle. As we approach the darkest time of the year we find hope. Hope is waiting in anticipation while focusing on the light. This Quaker spiritual practice of holding someone in the light is praying for someone in silence and through imagery. It is the way to support another through a difficult time. Imagine surrounding that person with the warmth and glow of light, allow the light to lift them up, care for them, and heal the hurts. Hope wraps them in the warmth like a quilt hand stitched with love, surrounding them in that light, it holds them in the arms of God.
As a child waiting to see Santa, we anticipate delights. Dreams come true at Christmas time. Waiting to open the gifts under the tree, we hope for our hearts desire.
In today’s world of immediacy, we can hardly wait weeks or even days for something, let alone generations or centuries. But the story of God’s people shows us that waiting in hope isn’t a “sit back and do nothing” kind of a waiting. Advent hope is active; it is always listening to God, always learning from God, always walking with God and embracing the light. Very few immediately recognized the Messiah when he first came, a mere baby. And then he steps forward into the light and they knew they were in the presence of the light.
So for today and every day, let’s shine the light wherever we go, hold others in the light, and embrace Hope.
Sending love,
Thanks for sharing your link on my FB page, a lovely article explaining why we are the children of the light. Judith
I love how you see the world, Marilyn. And how you hold so closely to hope. I'm really trying, but it is a lot easier said than done sometimes.
I love the idea of holding someone in the light.
I agree with Jeanie! Susan
Those were nice words from your Pastor, Marilyn. He talks much about the light, and that is so important to notice. It is all around us this time of year. It is what keeps our faith shining bright within us, and it is what reminds us that this is the season of love, by a precious baby being born in a manger. He is love.
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