"Light is Knowledge, Light is Life"
I am not sure where I read the above quote, but it is a good one.
Light is focusing on hope, hold onto it with all we have, and don't let go.
Right before we moved I wanted to have lunch at a restaurant near our house. As I stepped out of the car I saw HOPE in the window of this children's shop. And then the book behind the window was "Climb the Mountain". I knew the move would be like struggling up the mountain, but from the top we would see new horizons. I needed to hold on to HOPE for sure. I needed to focus on the little glimmers of light.

And then as I was parked in a "NO PARKING" spot waiting to pick up the truck to move, I looked up and saw HOPE once again.
We made it to today. As I sip my morning tea and peak out the window I dream of hanging pictures on the walls and making this sweet little apartment HOME. There are glimmers of the finish line, but still more to do. For today I will keep my eyes on the stars.
Sending love,
I'm glad you're "in" and filled with hope for your new year, new life, new home. Congratulations, Marilyn!
Marilyn, I'm glad you are in your home now, and now you can make it look like You with all the little things that you love. Hope is such a good word, and I love the green hope sign in the shop you saw. And the sign Climb the Mountain was perfect for you. When I was going through Christmas ornaments to give away and keep, I came across a gold ornament that said "Hope" that Nel gave me, and that was a keeper. Have fun settling in your new place, and take your time, it will be much better that way.
Congratulations on getting settled in your new home! I have been thinking of you and hoping all was going smoothly! Susan
Without hope, there is only despair. We gotta keep going and MOVE-ing forward. Wishing you all the best as you settle in.
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