A dear friend shared this prayer with me recently and I thought it would be worth sharing with you. It fits so well with what I try to share each week, to make sure we notice those small things, the everyday things. As I settle into my new home I am once again beginning to notice those little things. I find it is time to pull out the calendar and set dates with friends for a cup of tea or an adventure. It's time to go for walks and "notice what I notice".
All I can think to say this morning, is please guide my attention to that which is worthy of it.
When I am overwhelmed by everything that has to get fixed in this broken down world, show me what is MINE to do then please give me the strength to do it and the humility to rest afterwards.
Open my eyes to behold that which is hopeful and lovely and to know that the terrifying and malicious will always be there and that looking away for a moment is not callus, it’s calculating.
Guide my attention to that which is worthy of it: making art, cooking food, loving people, noticing birds, petting dogs, contacting friends, and doing the work that is mine to do.
And when I am scrolling through meaningless videos, once again wasting more precious moments on this Earth than I realize, snap me out of it, Lord and help me just go for a walk or something.
In your holy name,
Nadia Bolz-Weber
I think the small things are sometimes the big things. Meaningful things, I am enjoying clouds this year and taking photos of them. Whenever something good happens I say thank you God, all good things come from you. This post is a good reminder for me.
What an awesome prayer! And your words are always comforting! Thank you!!! Susan
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