Not to long ago while dressing for work, I looked down toward the floor. Standing next to me was a pair of ladies size 9, black loafers. Instantly it hit me that those were big people's shoes. Why were they there next to me? Where were my tennies, my brown and white saddle oxfords, or my mary janes? I couldn't possibly be a big person wearing those shoes. When did I grow up? Where were those carefree days of flying through the sky on that old rope swing? What does it feel like to be a big person? Sometimes it's scary, like jumping off a roof thinking my box airplane would fly. Sometimes it's lonely, hiding all alone high in a tree. Sometimes it can be joyeous, like the times I would sing Happy Birthday or have it sung to me. And sometimes it is just plain hard, it feels sad, it feels angry, it feels tiring, it feels wonderful, and it feels so many things inside of me all jumbled up and hard to get out. But sometimes it still feels like that child that dreamt dreams of flying, of drawing in the sky, of wondering over God's creations, and running with the wind.
I wrote this a few years ago and still my big people's shoes carry me along on this life adventure.
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