Neighbor friends agreed to model for me to best show some of my vintage clothes and hats. I hope you enjoy them in the next few Monday's. I had so much fun photographing them.

As stated in The Mode in Costume, by R. Turner Wilcox, "Hats grew smaller and shed the trimmings, evolving into the cloche or mushroom shape about 1923 and surviving through 1930. It was a simple round crowned hat with tiny brim, enveloping the head to the neck in back and to the eyes in front." "Sometimes the simple hat was relieved by a grosgrain ribbon band or a single jewelled brooch or buckle." Childrens hats were embellished as you see above.

The velveteen hat above is my own pattern developed after a 1920's child's hat seen in books. I hope to have this pattern ready to sell on Marmalady's sometime next year. It is the perfect little hat for any little girl to wear to tea.
These are great... and your models are the cutest!! Looking forward to more of your vintage clothing display. (and glad to see the snowmen have returned!)
I am so going to look forward to Mondays. Thank God for a reason for Mondays now. Your little model are so adorable and perfect for your delightful hats.
Love you new header too.
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