Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Special Day in the Garden

The greenhouse was waiting.
It's first event of initiation.
We were anticipating this day.

The table was set.

Flowers from the garden were picked.

Food prepared.

Dessert of Watermelon Salad with lime juice, honey, and fresh ginger.
Moon and Star sugar cookies too.

Special guests have arrived.
On the left is Adrienne from With a Grateful Heart and LaDonna on the right from Gracious Hospitality.

Then coming the furthest was Linda from Friendship Tea (she was visiting from Kentucky).
Stephanie from Steph's Cup of Tea is on the right, she lives nearby.

Of course with all these lovers of tea together, we had to share a time of tea.
There was a WuWo Tea Ceremony here in my backyard.
A special time of learning and sharing.

Linda is waiting and the time is just beginning.
What a special time together, one I was so happy to host in my backyard.

Sally on the left and Jan also were here to share in the adventure of tea.

Margie too on the left, a teacher of the art of Japanese Tea Ceremony
here to enjoy tea together with the group.

Finally a picture of the four tea bloggers.  I have introduced each to you,
but one final picture was a must.


Rosemary said...

How very special! Thanks for sharing... your greenhouse gathering looked so beautiful... such fun! Loved the final picture with the bloggers!

Kathy Walker said...

What an exciting and pleasurable time! You have been very busy. You greenhouse has had a "proper" initiation! Lovely indeed.

Donna and Miss Spenser said...

Okay, I am trying not to be jealous! Everything looked lovely an dhow fun to meet blogging friends!!

The greenhouse is awing!


YourTeaLife said...

What fun and how special! Your greenhouse looks so inviting.


Annie Jeffries said...

What a special time, Marilyn. A truly beautiful initiation of the greenhouse. So happy your faraway Kentucky friend was able to share in this event.

relevanttealeaf said...

What fun to read your blog today, Marilyn! Congratulations on the opening of your greenhouse. It's so lovely! And how special that Linda could be a part of your gathering, and LaDonna, and everybody for that matter! How awesome that tea brought you all together. I hope to be able to partake in a WuWo tea ceremony sometime. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Marilyn, I am smiling so much right now. I just loved reading about the get-together, looking at your beautiful pictures (I LOVE THE GREENHOUSE!), and seeing familiar faces. What a wonderful time this must have been! I am so happy for all of you - and for all of us because you have shared with us!

Linda P said...

How nice to see all your tea loving friends in your lovely home setting. The greenhouse with those pretty stained glass windows is beautiful.

marthae said...

It is everything that I knew it would be, Marilyn! What a special time for all of you.
I love the greenhouse and your yard looks so inviting, as did the food...

Gigi Thibodeau said...

I LOVE your garden house, Marilyn, and it looks like a perfect initiation/party. Could your garden flower bouquet be any more perfect? Just beautiful!!! xoxo

S. Etole said...

Just the perfect spot for a tea party.

Adrienne said...

Seeing your photos just brings back how wonderful it was to be there with you! Thank you for giving us such a beautiful day. I'm so sorry I missed the tea ceremony - perhaps next time! Your hospitality is always a special gift to me. At this time of my life, it was a beautiful treasure, my friend!

Bernideen said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time visiting and experiencing your passions!

Bernideen said...

ALSO......your "greenhouse" hospitality cottage looks darling!

BrittArnhild said...

Cheers to Jim, the greenhouse is amazing!
One day we will be there to share tea, friendship and garden tales with you!

Steph said...

First, the greenhouse is amazing! Second, thank you so much for arranging for this meeting. It was a very special day!

Come Away With Me said...

That is a lovely way to initiate your beautiful greenhouse. I really like those stained glass windows! It is also fun to put faces to some blogs that I am familiar with.

Caroline said...

Oh how lovely! I would love to have tea in a beautiful spot like that! And how fun to get together with some blog friends!

Linda Jennings said...

I'm waiting on our flight as I write this comment. Thank you for this special day! Your backyard and greenhouse are amazing! Lunch was delicious. Fellowship and sharing with old and new tea friends made this a very special event . The beauty of your area of the country contributed to the specialness of the wu wo ceremony for me. Also, thank you to Jim and Tim for contributing to the success of this very memorable event.

Colleen said...

Oh my! What a wonderful day for you all- everything does look beautiful, delicious, friendly and even meditative with the WuWo tea ceremony. Your garden house is a dream come true- you guys did a marvelous job putting it together with scrap pieces.

Mary said...

How fabulous Marilyn - no wonder you were resting up yesterday! The tea looked delicious and I have to tell you I'm in love with the greenhouse - just spectacular!
And you said he wasn't handy - I beg to differ - it's a magnificent building - love it.

Hugs - Mary

Jeanie said...

This is totally wonderful! The greenhouse looks terrific, as does the menu, and how wonderful to share the tea ceremony. You do the best things! Is it perfect? Sure seems so!

Ginger said...

Looks like a great time!

koralee said...

What fun...I am just looking at that one gals camera! WOW! What I could do with that! Her images must be beautiful. Thanks for sharing the joy. xoxo

GardenOfDaisies said...

What a lovely tea get together you had!! How lovely that these gals were able to come from so far away to join you!

GardenOfDaisies said...

And I almost forgot to tell you that your greenhouse turned out beautifully!!! Love it!

Angela McRae said...

OK, this is absolutely AWESOME! First, your new greenhouse is simply splendid!!! It's much larger than I had envisioned--you can host the whole neighborhood! But to have such dear tea friends at the inaugural event in the new space is just the loveliest, most perfect thing I could have imagined. Congratulations, and may you spend MANY happy, peaceful hours there!!!

Angela McRae said...

P.S. Does it have a name? If not, I submit that you should give it one!

Ruthie Miller said...

What a treat to get to see ladies who's blogs I read. All together! So special. Your table looked lovely. The greenhouse. Wow, is that ever spectacular. What a wonderful thing. I love the stained glass windows in there too. Oh my, The most perfect place to hold a tea party.
Thank you-what fun sharing this.
Ruthie from: Lady B's Time for Tea

Joy said...

The flowers were gorgeous, the table was lovely, the food and tea looked delicious, and the fellowship was priceless. And I must say, having seen pictures of the table from another blog post, I am in love with the china...

somepinkflowers said...

i am filled
with Greenhouse Love...

all my young life
i dreamed of having a Greenhouse
but in Florida,

it is not meant to be!

{{ i am mesmerized
by the tea ceremony.
when i do make it out there
i want to learn all about it
first hand }}