Thursday, June 13, 2013

Black and White

Aspen's in Colorado, taken on our road trip last year.
I was inspired by an exhibit of Ansel Adams photography to play a bit with my photo.

Today is my husband and my 49th anniversary.
I really can't believe it has been that long.
Thinking of marriage or partnerships I find that life is not always Black and White.
There are often grey areas in between.
Learning to live with the differences is like living in the grey areas,
sometimes a bit fuzzy, not always fun, not always roses.
Sometimes the raindrops and clouds appear,
but we muddle through it somehow.

So today we celebrate living in the grey areas and muddling through.
Off for a day trip to our favorite beach.
I had better take a towel along to wipe off the raindrops from the bench
where we will be enjoying the view.


La Tea Dah said...

Happy anniversary. Gray clouds make soothing raindrops which give one cause to contemplate the black, gray, and white of life. Enjoy your day!

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary.
If you do not mind some unsolicited advice on your photo (which is lovely by the way!) If you have an editing program that allows you to tweak the brightness and contrast, you might want to play with it a bit. It can really add some sparkle to your photos.

Jeanne said...

Happy Happy Anniversary. Much love and many blessings to you both
Cheers for many more happy years to come.

Love Jeanne♥

Jeanie said...

Happy anniversary, my friend. You are so right about the blacks, whites and grays.

I love the photo -- it is very Anselish! Three cheers!

relevanttealeaf said...

Happy Anniversary, Marilyn! Great analogical post about marriage. My hubby and I celebrated our 47th anniversary on June 11th. It is, indeed, amazing how quickly the years have passed! Your black and white photo is lovely and beautifully illustrates the "contrasts" in life. The saying, "Opposites attract" is so true.

Rosemary said...

Happy Anniversary! May you find great joy this year and much happiness between the black, gray and white!

Steph said...

Congratulations and LOVE to you both!

Laurie said...

What a perfect description of marriage Marilyn. I hope you had a wonderful day at the beach Happy Anniversary!

Tracy said...

Happy Anniversary, Marilyn! My the love keep blooming & growing! LOVE your Adams-inspired image... LOVE this one! Happy Days ((HUGS))

beth said...

happy anniversary !!!
i hope you make new memories that always make you smile :)

Adrienne said...

I loved the Aspens as we drove through Colorado last year, too. Happy anniversary, my friend. Here's to many more!

Angela McRae said...

Your 49th anniversary? Mercy, you must have married when you were 10, Marilyn! Congratulations!

Linda P said...

Belated greetings for your anniversary. Our 58th is this week! Blessings, Marilyn.

Linda P said...

Oops I meant 48th! Anyway, a life time and a way of life!