Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday's Quotes

To see a world in a grain of sand
 and heaven in a wild flower
 Hold infinity in the palms of your hand
 and eternity in an hour.
~William Blake


Angela McRae said...

How apropros ... I was looking at "a grain of sand" not one hour ago, pondering the fact that seashells I collect at the beach never quite seem willing to let go of all their sand. And I'm sort of glad -- it's an ongoing souvenir!

Jeanie said...

Perfect quote and image for it! Lovely, Marilyn!

Laurie said...

How beautiful Marilyn, another to keep. Love the photo you put with it.

Steph said...

Wildflowers with a view of the ocean, beautiful!

Tracy said...

Very present moment in every way. LOVELY, Marilyn :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

La Tea Dah said...

Such a beautiful photo --- the ocean is always so special --- and the quote --- lovely, lovely, lovely!