Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday's Quotes

May your life always be like a pot of
tea...overflowing to warm the soul.
   —An Irish Blessing

Oh yes, the winner of the book give-away
is Angela McRae at Tea with Friends
Congratulations to you!
Thanks to all that signed up for the give-away and those that also started following me.


Sylvia said...

Such a pretty post! Love the daffodils.

Lorrie said...

Sunny daffodils - just lovely.

Jeanie said...

A perfect quote and a wonderful setting! Thanks for the recipe -- I'm baking part one tomorrow!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I can hardly wait until I can sit outside with a cup of tea. Congrats to Angela for winning the book giveaway, she'll be happy to add to her collection.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Nothing heralds the arrival of Spring like a patch of flowering golden daffodils!
Beautiful Marilyn.
Congrats to lucky Angela!

Beth in NEPA said...

What a lovely post. We finally have daffodils popping up, every so carefully. I do hope another cold snap doesn't harm them!

Angela McRae said...

The book was waiting for me when I got home from my trip! Thank you so much!