Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Victorian Delights

 It was hard to pick a favorite at the Victorian Festival fashion show
in Port Townsend this past weekend.
Delights made appearances here and all about town too.
 I thought my tea loving friends would enjoy this tea dress,
oh and the teapot too.

 My friend, Val, is always a delight to see up there on stage.
Her creations just make me smile.
 I believe they said there was 5 yards of fabric in this dress.
That's alot of fabric.

 So crisp and fresh, there is something that delights me in the white.
 A soft tea dress and gorgeous bag.

 I must say this was one of my favorites
and just suited the model perfectly.
 I could picture this being worn on a river boat
for entertainment.  Just whimsical.

 Here's Val again, beautiful as always.
You can find Val's blog on costumes here:

Hope you enjoyed the show, I certainly did.
Click on any photo to get a closer look at these wonderful costumes.


small town teacups and gardens said...

beautiful outfits and awesome photography. thank you for sharing

small town teacups and gardens said...

beautiful outfits and wonderful photography. Thank you for sharing

Jeanie said...

I was hoping you might share photos of this! I think I'm especially fond of the white dresses. They seem so springy. Like we'll ever see spring here! Sounds like a wonderful time!

Steph said...

Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun! I loved seeing Val, too.

Deanna said...

Marilyn, Such a nice post. The fashions are lovely. Would have been a delight to see in person. Glad you have shared with us in blogland.

Rosemary said...

What amazing fashions! Thank you so much for sharing! I don't think I can pick a favorite!

Time Traveling in Costume said...

Wonderful blog photos, Marilyn! I'll let the other ladies in the show know about it. Thank you soooo much for being there. Loved seeing you again.

Angela McRae said...

Wow, those are some amazing costumes -- so elaborate! That one with the five yards of fabric ... I can only imagine the work that took!

Bernideen said...

What a great show and I love that picture at the end with everyone. These costumes were delightful!

Tracy said...

Oh, sooo pretty! Each outfit delightful in its own way. I must say, though, I do love the all-white outfit--7th pic down--It says walk-in-spring-time to me! :o) Wow... Think of all the house designing and making the costumes... Beautiful! Fun too see--thank you, Marilyn ((HUGS))

Joy said...

That looks like such fun - and I love the pipe organ in the background, too!

Adrienne said...

What a wonderful fashion show! I loved seeing each of the outfits. It would be fun to be there sometime and see them up close.

relevanttealeaf said...

Gorgeous Victorian costumes, and how fun to see Val modeling her two dresses. Thanks for allowing us to attend the show vicariously!

parTea lady said...

Loved seeing the period fashions.

Material Magician said...

Great photos, thanks for posting. I'm in the pink and green ball gown and the green and blue velvet with the gentleman in mess dress plaid. I hope you don't mind if I share them.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I love costume festivals - we are so lucky everyone didn't throw things away back then!
My pick is the white dress and coat, love the parasol - the hat and shoes are lovely too!