Monday, June 17, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy


“Kindness doesn’t cost anything.” Unknown 

This past weekend I was having a burger with my grandson and found this large poster on the wall behind him in the restaurant. Different visitors to the burger shop had added their notes to the poster. It was all on kindness. It again reminded me the importance of focusing on the positive thoughts of kindness.

Choose kindness

Just be kind

Be Kind to every kind

Scatter kindness 

Human kindness

Sending love and kindness your way,



Madelyne said...

Loving thoughts back atcha!

💖 💖 💖

Jeanie said...

That's a wonderful, happy poster. I love it!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a delightful poster. And even more special that you and your grandson shared a burger together. : )
