Monday, September 23, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 Dragonflies delight my soul when spotted at Lan Su Chinese Gardens.


“In the flutter of a butterfly’s wings, we find a gentle reminder to appreciate the small moments in life and to find joy in life’s simple pleasures.”

 by Shree Shambav


Always a butterfly appears on my pies. It was a joy to bake this Gravenstein apple pie for a harvest gathering.

And then to walk in a fruit tree orchard.

And to end the celebration of the Autumn Equinox by sitting by the fire.

Happy Autumn Equinox, dear friends!

Sending love,



Anonymous said...

Happy Autumn Equinox! Your Gravenstein apple pie looks delicious. I was unfamiliar with this apple variety, and I googled it and was surprised to learn that it is on the endangered American food list. Enjoyed your post. Jan H

Jeanie said...

You are starting autumn out in the right way! I love that campfire and oh, your lovely gardens!