Yesterday the Christmas program at my church took place. It always involves the children singing, but also singing and poems by adults, plus a bit of silliness. Christmas always needs a bit of silliness too.
This is the pastor dressed as a saxophone playing dragon. He played Christmas songs on request.
But there were also words of kindness too.
One of the women sitting behind me and leaned over and said, "I am sending you a link for amazing Christmas music I found on YouTube". She was thinking of me and knew I would enjoy it. It was a Christmas concert with Sting. I am loving listening to it, a bit at a time. The music are songs I have never heard. I thought you might enjoy it too; so I will add a link right here. I was thinking of you.
And just because, my live-in gardener and I went out to dinner this weekend. I loved the ambiance and couldn't resist sharing it with you.
Kindness is: "I am thinking of you". Such a simple thing to do and say, but so often people don't say it.
Sending love,
I listen to that Sting concert every year and love his Christmas album too. It's hauntingly beautiful.
Marilyn, I appreciate the kindness you share! And I look forward to listening to the Sting concert you shared the link to...I wasn't aware of it! Susan
Your kind heart shows in every post you write, Marilyn. I have not heard of the Sting concert, but will check out the Youtube link.
Christmas is a time for love, joy, hope, and peace, and lots of laughter! I always think Jesus laughed a lot with his disciples.
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