Monday, October 4, 2021

Word for the Week

 Bend: verb -

shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle.
"the rising wind bent the long grass"
The berries on my dogwood tree bend down to the ground. They are easy access for the squirrels to nibble. 
Axel Vervoordt, an interior designer and author of Wabi inspiration in design, talks about flowers that bend down as humble. There is an ascetic of humbleness in a downward bend of a branch. 
Sometimes the rose heads are so heavy for the stem to hold them that they bend, but still beautiful.
Do you find inspiration in nature? In the bend of a branch, the touch of a velvet petal, a feather fluttering in the wind?
 My red dahlias came from the garden. They had bent so low they were actually laying on the ground. I told them I would rescue them; so I brought them indoors, washed the mud from their petals, and put them in a vase. They bent down; yet they were still pretty.
Even the hands of my scare-crow jack o'lantern bend down.
Thinking on this word, since I just watched Memoirs of a Geisha on Netflix, I am picturing the geisha bending down in respect to others, in greetings and farewells. It was a humble gesture, showing respect to others.
I look at my aged hands, in the bend of my fingers, which show much abuse and years of using them in my trade. They are bending in ways I don't particularly like and they don't always work the way I would like them too; but yet, they have stories to tell. 
Find a word today just for you and play with it, use it, and delight in it.

Have a terrific week, dear friends!
PS: I was away at the beginning of last week, my apologies for missing the word for last week.
The last two weeks in October I will take a break from blogging just to take an adventure.


Lorrie said...

I always enjoy the way you focus on a word and bring attention to its varied meanings. You have a bent for the English language!
Enjoy your adventure!

Mary said...

Haha!!!! BEND is not a good word for me right now - just wish I could without pain! Starting PT on Monday - or sooner if they have a cancelation!

Looking forward to all that October will bring - there will be special moments no matter what!
Hugs - Mary

Red Rose Alley said...

Your red dahlias are so pretty, along with the lights on your mantel. They look red too. I think a rose bending down is one of the prettiest sights. When you mentioned your hands and the bend of your fingers, it got to me,
as right now I have trigger finger on one of my hands. It can be painful,
but it seems to be getting better.

Have a nice adventure end of October, and I'll be here when you return, Marilyn. You chose a really good word for this week.
