Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Office or Mess?

Yesterday Tara at Paris Parfait asked us to show the
space we create in. Here it is in all it's
piles of papers.
The east wall has a soft pink book shelf for all the papers
I really need to sort and file.
The chair I am sharing these days with Joey.
My grandfather's desk is on the north wall of this small bedroom.
My typewriter sits on top of another bookshelf with a
letter I have started to a friend.
The south wall has another small desk with my laptop
for bookkeeping and I also use this small table for craft projects.
One of my next projects is hanging on the floor lamp.
Now if I tell you what it is I will have to actually do it.
25 years ago I acquired some beautiful chamois's from the
company I was working for at the time. They were
going to make swim suits out of them, but decided not to do so after some testing.
Well I thought a skirt would be beautiful in them; so I brought some home and hung them in my closet where they have been ever since. My challenge to myself is to finish that skirt this year.
So there now I really must finish it because I know you will be checking on it. Thanks!
Then because there is no place else for the bicycle and exercise equipment
it is in my office too. I do try to use it once in the while. I probably would fit the
skirt better if I exercised more often.
The west wall has the french doors looking
into our backyard. In the morning I can see many
birds and squirrels out at the bird feeders having their
morning breakfast. A very pleasant place to rest the
eyes and enjoy the morning. There is a chain link
fence in the back, then an alley, then our neighbors
wood fence. It is unusual to have an alley like this in
the city. This is something unique to our neighborhood
and I love it. Rarely does a car drive down it, but
on occasion we share a visit over the fence with someone
taking a walk.

I hope you have enjoyed a visit to my office today.
Now it is time for you to share too!
Where do you create?


Steph said...

Those are Great French doors!

Annie Jeffries said...

Memories are made of this Marilyn. Love the frames over your French doors. Why don't I recall those?

Jeanne said...

So very lovely indeed.
Love Jeanne

Adrienne said...

Loved seeing your office. Now I'm trying to figure out how to put French doors into mine! Out with the window and in with the doors - only problem is it will face the street. Then I would need a fence to create a courtyard - and new landscaping - and a birdbath - and, and, and. . . Maybe I'll just think about yours and enjoy them with you! ~Adrienne~

La Tea Dah said...

What a pleasant and comfortable room. The French doors are the frosting on the cake! Lovely!

We work at similar desks. Mine is an oak roll top desk that was my mother's.


Dutchbaby said...

Thanks for sharing your place of creativity and contemplation. I think it's great that you can observe your back yard creatures from your work space.

parTea lady said...

Great work space. Using your exercise bike must be easier with that view out the french doors. I like those pretty framed quilt blocks.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

My workspace is usually a mess! I need to get an exercise bike next to my computer, wonder if I would use it??


Angela McRae said...

I enjoyed seeing your creative space and love the view!

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

Thank you for the visit! I love your space, though I would get rid of the bike...taking up to much space and engergy!

Instead, just walk out those doors and wander around the glory that lurks outside your door!

La Tea Dah said...

I see that 'cat' has learned that he is loved and accepted --- 'cause he has the office chair as his own. That's a good sign!

Mary said...

I loved this glimpse into your personal space - and seeing new kitty there in the chair, all comfy and relaxed, makes it so appealing. Nice door to the garden - how about riding the bike looking out there and pretending you are riding through the country - then get going on that wonderful skirt, it will be gorgeous! Life has it's hardships doesn't it?

Hugs - Mary