Friday, June 15, 2012

Walking in the Light

Have you heard the terminology "Walking in the Light"?
Unless you are a Quaker/Friends, you probably haven't heard this.
It means to walk in the light of God and
the light will guide your path.
I think it could also for today mean it is time for me to
take a walk in the sunshine.
We have had so little light lately
and the sun is shining so beautifully.
I have found this labyrinth here and now
I will be combining the two.
I am off to walk in the light of the sun
and the light of meditation with God.
Have a delightful weekend, dear friends.
Take time to walk in the light however you translate that.


Deanna said...

Sweet blessings to you, Marilyn.

Annie Jeffries said...

What a lovely labyrinth, Marilyn. Is it Portland? I have a friend in Santa Rosa who designs labyrinths. She has a beautiful one in her backyard.

Relyn Lawson said...

I just call it prayer. ha.

That's my favorite way to pray - as I walk along and enjoy the beauty He created.

La Tea Dah said...

Beautiful, meditative post...thanks.

my little cottage said...

nice post thanks for sharing looking for to visit more...blessings

christina said...

how very beautiful.

Tracy said...

Walking in the Light... I have heard this before, and I think it one of the most beautiful of spiritual expressions. A walk in nature is some of the best prayer time. :o) Happy Days, Marilyn ((HUGS))

Cathy at Wives with Knives said...

Our beautiful weekend was such a treat, and for Father's Day too! Lovely post, Marilyn, and a timely reminder to remember that God's light will show us the path.

Jeanie said...

That sounds beautiful. I've never done a labyrinth. Someday hope to.