Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Signs of Spring

 Do you see it?  The first little crocus to open it's little face.
The first camellia to shine!

January seems a bit early for Spring to start showing it's face.
But searching for Spring in the Winter is what helps me survive the dark days.
So with much JOY and DELIGHT this week when I went searching
my heart did a happy dance.
For small signs that the earth was coming alive were tucked here and there in the garden.
Do you search for signs of Spring in the Winter?
I know, it's a bit crazy, but I love it when I start seeing it.
So for me today, I will dance in the foggy morning
as I rejoice in the first signs of Spring.


Jeanie said...

I start searching for signs of spring in February or March -- depending on the cold. You are lucky to see these now!

Rosemary said...

Such wonderful signs of spring! We are in the middle of a snow storm right now... a veritable winter wonderland with more predicted later this week. Everything is now covered in white!

Linda P said...

Beautiful signs of Springtime in your garden. We had snowdrops in bud, but now they're under a blanket of deep snow. I'm sure the other Spring bulbs will survive and delight us with their beauty in due course.

Lorrie said...

Little signs of spring lighten these grey January days. There are a few signs around here - lots of bird song and yesterday I saw the mallards courting on the pond. Beautiful hellebores! Why don't I have any of them? I must remedy that...

Laura Morrigan said...

I love spring signs!

Gigi Thibodeau said...

Oh, camellia! I so wish we could grow them here in Maine. Your garden is waking up! Ours will be fast asleep for quite some time, but I'll enjoy yours vicariously for the next couple of months!

Mary said...

I love your "joy and delight" in the early arrival of these signs of spring ahead - the earth is always full of surprises when the seasons change.

Love, Mary

Angela McRae said...

Please don't take this the wrong way, Marilyn, but while others have Punxsutawney Phil, I have YOU to predict spring! I've learned that when I start seeing garden photos on your blog, I'll know that signs of spring in Georgia, too, are not far behind!