Saturday, November 6, 2021

Hello, Washington, DC

 Having never been to Washington, DC, this was first on my list. With the pandemic and only two days, it was just a glimpse. A must was to walk the Monument Mall from one end to the other. My feet hurt, but I am so glad I did it.

Warning: Lots of pictures! 

The Washington Monument couldn't be missed.

Looking toward the Lincoln Memorial.

A new monument was just being added honoring the Korean War veterans.

There was a garden walk at the National Botanical Gardens.

The building wasn't open, but we enjoyed the walk in the garden with a friend.
Just across the street from the gardens is our National Capital Building. 
There was a rehearsal on the lawn for a gathering of police officers from around the country; so we enjoyed a bit of music as we walked.
Our friend took us to the National Cathedral.
It had some damage on the tower a few years ago from an earthquake;
so you can see some scaffolding. It was still beautiful!
It wasn't open to walk inside.

A visit to Arlington National Cemetery was on my list.
Here is the tomb of the unknown soldier.

John F. Kennedy's burial sight was a pause in my visit to remember. There was Jacqueline and two young children buried there too.

And finally a memorial to all the women that have served.
Some people say, but you didn't go into the museums. I was happy just seeing the sights on a beautiful, blue sky day.
All along our adventure we celebrated gorgeous weather with only one downpour that
lasted about 30 minutes.
I hope you are having a blue sky day today.
Happy weekend, dear friends!


Lorrie said...

Washington DC is a beautiful city. We went there 30 years ago or so with our children who were pre-teens, and enjoyed it so much. Since we are Canadian, it wasn't really our history, but we loved the Smithsonian buildings and toured the White House. Our kids still talk about the week that we spent there. I'm glad you had good weather and enjoyed the gardens and outdoor spaces. They are laid out so well.

Jeanie said...

I've never been to Washington, either so I loved seeing your photos. You visited two spots I'd love to see -- Arlington and National Cathedral. I'll bet your feet hurt! Mine would, too!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I haven't been to Washington DC since 1967 with my parents. It made quite an impression on me - I was 13 and didn't even want to go in the first place but since then, I have wanted to go back and see all the changes. JFK's gravesite was different back then. They've changed that. It was rather primitive compared to how it looks now. I remember the Ford Theather - and we took a White House Tour and a Capital tour and saw the desk that Daniel Webster craved his name in the wood.

That is when my love for American history took root. Glad you were able to visit.