Monday, April 20, 2009

My Kitchen

Awhile back I showed you the mess in my kitchen with the promise of showing the final results. Here is my 1950's kitchen with a new floor and new paint. One day I would like to replace the handles on the drawers and cupboards, but for now this is my kitchen. I love the space. When I first saw the turquoise I wasn't sure I liked it, but now I do. The labels on the wall above the cabinets are apple box labels from the town I was born in. The one above the sink is the only one left of my grandfather's labels. Out the window above the sink, on a clear day, we can see Mt. St. Helens above house roofs. Mt St. Helens erupted in the 1980's; so it has a flat top now.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my 1950's kitchen.


Steph said...

Oooooh! I love the turquoise!

Annie Jeffries said...

I LOVE!!!! your kitchen.

Angela McRae said...

Oh my goodness, Marilyn, you have my dream kitchen! I love it! (I usually go with pink, but when it comes to the kitchen decor I love the turquoise just as much as the pink!)

Anonymous said...

I too love the turquoise, Marilyn! And having a window over the sink has to be wonderful! I think there should be a law that every kitchen has to have a window over the sink.

You and I have the same electric kettle (I just love it, don't you?) and Kitchen-Aid, although mine is white.

Just lovely!

Rosemary said...

What a bright and cheerful kitchen! No wonder so many clever and delicious items are produced there... it is inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it! LOVE!! :-D How beautiful it is, I bet you're thrilled to have it all put back together.

La Tea Dah said...

Very beautiful and cheerful! And you are so brave to have open upper cupboards. I love them, but was not quite brave enough to do it myself.

Enjoy your beautiful, beautiful kitchen!


Adrienne said...

Hi, Marilyn -
I was reading your latest blog post and decided to just sit and peruse your entire blog today! And when I saw your kitchen I thought I had died and gone to Heaven, for sure! I absolutely LOVE your sweet space. Can't wait to meet for tea and hear all about it.