Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I am

I am:

a photographer
a writer of dreams and whimsy
a mom
a wife
a sister
a tea lover
a cat lover
a nature lover 
a flower lover 
a tea lover
an artist
a light spirit
a gyspy
a fairy
a strong woman
a speaker of truth

When I started this list a couple months ago
it really hit me with such power in thinking these things of myself.
Have you acknowledged who you are?
Just making the list will give you power in your soul.
I challenge each of you to do so and if you share on your blog,
let me know.
Writing them down, even just for yourself is a good thing.
I can review it in my mind now
and know I am all those things and more.
It has given me confidence in myself.


Red Rose Alley said...

I share many of the characters on this list, Marilyn, except I don't like cats much. I'm a dog lover. : ) You look peaceful sitting there on the orange couch enjoying your tea time.


Sandi said...

"a writer of dreams and whimsy"

:-) This one tugged at my heart like an impatient toddler...yeah! It is a good thing to be.

"a speaker of truth"

I think I also speak the truth. But how do you know?

Mary said...

Certainly thought provoking Marilyn. As soon as I have time I will just have to come up with my own list - many things the same as your list, but probably a few others that will even surprise me!

Where oh where are you sitting on the the sofa? I love that wallpaper mural!
The other pic among those gorgeous yellow flowers on your hike is awesome too.

Just two more 'sleeps' and I'll be off - and England looks really chilly right now.

Hugs - Mary

Jeanie said...

I will also add that you are magnificent!

I may take you up on this list. I suspect it's not an off-the-cuff thing -- that it takes time to really think it through!

Tracy said...

Oooohhhh... so good to see you, Marilyn! I think we SEE you, ALL of beautiful you here too. :) LOVED the power in this. I must try this empowerment list. Who am I? What a great question... And it's never too late to find out! Thanks for the fun, and the challenge! ((HUGS))