Monday, June 8, 2020

Word for the Day 2020


Anne Lamott says in her book, Almost Everything, Notes of Hope,
"Empathy, a moment's compassion, seeing that everyone has equal value,
even people who have behaved badly, is a magnetic a force as gratitude.
It draws people to us, thus giving us the capacity to practice receiving love,
the scariest thing of all, and to experience the curiosity of a child."

From wikipedia: "Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position."

During this time of conflict what is needed is "empathy".
Grab ahold and go in peace, dear friends!

Pictures taken a few days ago at Peninsula Park in Portland, Oregon,
not far from my home.


Mary said...

Oh my Marilyn, the roses are amazing - and they were when you took me there! Such a lovely memory. . . . and great memories are all that might be keeping some of us sane right now!

I'm trying to stay away from the news - TV and media in general is driving me nuts. I just can't take any more of the same rhetoric day after day, be it COVID or politics. I will not protest, riot, damage or loot - and I will never understand how life, and this country, could proceed forward without our amazing Police. I will remain law abiding as I've always been, stay under the curfew here as long as it's in place (after hearing devastation to businesses just minutes from my home), and I will keep my doors locked! I will not buy a gun, but I will pray more often and much harder.

Stay well, be safe - things must get better or I'm afraid we are doomed.

Mary with hugs always X

Red Rose Alley said...

Empathy is a good word, especially in the world today. Your post brought me peace, in the midst of a difficult conversation I had last night with a loved one.
I always leave here with a peaceful smile, Marilyn.


Laurie said...

As a person who is empathetic, sometimes it seems a bit overwhelming. I feel like I'm experiencing an event personally and it can bother me for days, some things have never left me. Empathy though, is a gate way to change. It's one trait I have that I wish more people did.

Terra said...

Empathy practiced more widely would make the world a more harmonious place.

Jeanie said...

We do indeed need empathy. It's such a gift to be able to give, one that costs nothing and means the world to the recipient.

Angela McRae said...

I like that quote about empathy, and it gives me even more to ponder during these tumultuous times. (Wondering whether empathy is a kissing cousin to kindness. Possibly?) And those roses … I would absolutely be in heaven!

Tracy said...

Empathy... YES! Now more than every we must find some empathy among us. This time of conflict among people is heartbreaking... I find myself incredibly sad, and dreading reading/seeing news. But must keep informed, and must be part of finding the way toward peace! Thank goodness for ROSES that help cheer us in the meantime! ;) ((HUGS))