Monday, June 22, 2020

Word for the Day - 2020


When checking wikipedia it described music and performers, but also said "clear and concise".
Interestingly it also stated that the Quakers had "meetings for clearness".
Being a Quaker I do know about "meetings for clearness" having sat on a committee
to help someone in the church make a decision.
The "meeting for clearness" is when someone is struggling with a decision
and needs a small group to sit with them and listen, then help guide them.
When I thought of the word for today, Clarity, I wasn't even thinking of these meetings.
Sometimes, as in the picture, life isn't very clear and we ask for clarity.
We ask maybe of our selves in self reflection or ask someone outside our self for help.
For me the word came last week when I was thinking of the past few months
and people being more isolated.  Through the isolation I feel people have been given
an opportunity to re-evaluate their businesses, work, and lives and maybe make
some decisions.  Things have become more "clear", there has been clarity.
And then the clouds of confusion and doubt go away and we see more clearly.

For me I sometimes get so scattered by what I need to do or even what I want to do
that I end up getting stuck and not making any progress.
As the thought of clarity came to me I was able to make notes,
life decisions had more "clarity" than at other times.
I really like this words and still thinking on it.

Pictures are of the Dordogne River in France.


Red Rose Alley said...

Clarity is a good words, and an important word too. It seems that clarity is needed more than ever in our world right now. Sometimes one person has their own version of what happened, and the other has a different version, and it gets all jumbled up. If only clarity came in the picture, things would be much better all around. Families can actually get into arguments when things aren't clear, and then clarity surfaces, and things seem to get better. What a wonderful word, Marilyn.


Jeanie said...

That's a really interesting observation, considering clarity in terms of the past few months. I think you are spot on. I do think many of us have experienced both a chaotic confusion and clarity (I suppose the two go hand in hand more often than we think). Well conceived!

mamasmercantile said...

Clarity is a great word and one needed right now as we go through such uncertain times.

Laurie said...

Perfect word for these times Marilyn, I have experienced a couple different moments where things have become clear to me, and I know I'm going to be fine and life will go on.

Linda P said...

It's interesting to hear how you meet together as Quakers to seek clarity in a situation in someone's life. Do you then make your own decision based on your friends' thoughts that are verbalised? In such a situation that needs much thought I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide me. I talk things over with my dear husband when making big decisions. We have a decision to make at the moment about some replanning in the garden. Small matters are just as important as big ones especially in our world which has shrunk at the moment due to the pandemic. The rules for different members of our society regarding the management to keep us safe are confusing and the future is still unknown. All we can do is stay within the rules set down by the government for the elderly and in that way we have clarity and peace of mind. Thank you for keeping in touch. It's always good to hear from you.
Have a peaceful week Marilyn.

susan hemann said...

I wish I could have a "clearness" meeting. I too am scattered with this and that, what to do first. It definitely stops me in my tracks.
lol sometimes I wish a teacher was here telling me what to do first and second... funny thing is I was a teacher

Lorrie said...

Clarity is in short supply these days, I think. The future is murky and there is little clarity in what we hear on the news. In garden matters there is more clarity - fresh raspberries, poppies beginning to bloom, and the roses in all their glory. I'll focus on what is clear to me and leave the rest to sort itself.