Monday, December 13, 2021

Word for the Week

 One of the first holiday events I attend every year is the Christmas show at my favorite antique mall. I don't attend to buy necessarily; though sometimes I do. I go just to get in the holiday spirit and to begin the anticipation of events throughout December. I also take my little camera and love snapping a few pictures just to really enjoy the beauty each time I look back at my pictures.

Anticipation is the word this week. Are you anticipating Christmas celebrations? I wrote a small story recently on Anticipation; so the following words are my story.

"With the wiggle of his nose and a twitch of his whiskers,

little mouse sat waiting in the cupboard rather impatiently.

He could hardly contain his excitement.

Christmas was coming and sweet things would appear.

At the top of his list was a Christmas cake.

The scent of nuts, fruit, and a big round cherry just made him quiver.

A big star shaped cookie delighted his soul.

It sparkled with sugar crystals.

Like each child’s memories say, “cherish the moment”, dance for joy,

Nibble the delights, and snuggle by the fire on a cold winter’s night,

Little mouse shared in this excitement, this day was indeed for joy.

While little mouse was impatiently waiting in the cupboard,

Outdoors a bushy tailed squirrel was busy tucking nuts in the garden.

He was digging holes beside the big tree and hiding them away.

Down the line he would come with a large nut firmly held between his teeth.

He has carried it far and knows the garden is a safe place to be.

In my mind I wonder, will he find them again.

His feast waits for him on a cold winter’s night and he nibbles.

Then he sleeps in his nest of leaves high in the tree,

And sugar plums and nuts do pirouettes in his head.

I sit with my tea, warming my hands.

They are wrapped tightly around a red cup.

I watch as mouse and squirrel scamper by.

I dream of Christmas cakes, star cookies, nuts, and big round cherries.

Gingerbread houses and tinsel on trees, I anticipate with glee.

I dance beneath the branches, nibble while sitting on toadstools.

Savoring the little things and celebrating each day with delight.

We have planted more trees in the forest and in the city too.

We dance and sing, encouraging them to grow.

As snow begins to fall, it warms their roots with a blanket of warmth

And when spring turns the snow to water, it will water them well.

One day long from now children will gaze up in wonder.

Hope for the future we hold firmly in our hands

And we dream with anticipation of a better day to come.

We dream of sugarplums, fairies and dreams coming true."


Sending dreams come true for you this Christmas season.

Anticipate the good things and delight in each day.


Jeanie said...

I love your story, Marilyn. It's magical and carries me away with your beautiful use of the language and endearing characters. Thank you for that -- I needed a good story today. The photos you chose to illustrate with are beautiful. I know that visiting here had to be an absolutely breathtaking experience, one I'd love to have.

Red Rose Alley said...

Those are delightful verses from your story, Marilyn. And your photos went perfectly with each verse. Children delight in stories, especially this time of year when they hear Christmas is on its way. My little granddaughter kept wanting me to tell her stories; her visit was so dear to me. I love that white poinsettia. They are unique and special in their own way. The antique mall sounds really nice, and something I'd love to go to myself. ; )

Have a merry December week, Marilyn.


Sandi Magle said...

How simply lovely...seeing the holiday season by simple creatures...taking in the season all with joy and wonder.
Love this will send your url to my granddaughter to read. Thank-you and have a Happy Holiday Season.

Lorrie said...

A sweet story, Marilyn with a lilt to the words. It made me smile.

Mary said...

"I sit with my tea, warming my hands.

They are wrapped tightly around a red cup"

Oh yes, dear Marilyn - I can see you doing just that - and your story with lovely photos is such a delight to read at this precious time of year. Thanks so much for sharing - and for the lovely card in the mail.