Monday, September 4, 2023

Word Magic

 Happy Labor Day

This week's word is LABOR

Definition: verb: work hard; make great effort. "they labored from dawn to dusk"


This picture was taken a couple days ago as I sat on a coffee shop patio sipping a chai latte. I just appreciated the beauty around me that was provided by the people that run the coffee shop. There was labor in their creating beauty.

When thinking of LABOR most people, including myself, think of those people who get up each day and go to work. It might be to build a house, climb a ladder, clean a sewer, write a story, or run the government. It is all labor. We do the labor, then we go home for another day. We may labor over the stove to prepare a meal when we get home. 

Not a lot of labor went into my breakfast this morning, but the jam on my muffin was made by a friend and a gift. I enjoyed the fruits of their labor. The person that grew my tea and processed it was laboring to make a beautiful thing to go in my cup.

Another thought came to mind of a mother-to-be going into labor to birth a child. She is doing the work to bring forth the child; so again a good name is labor.


My daughter birthed this beautiful grandson and for that I am thankful.

An artist may labor to bring forth a beautiful piece of art too.

There are so many forms of labor; some are hard work and some bring us great joy. Often there are rewards for our labor. It might be a pay check or just a smile on someone's face.

So whatever you are doing today to celebrate LABOR, simply enjoy!

Happy new week, dear friends!


Red Rose Alley said...

A wonderful word you have shared today, Marilyn, and it is a perfect word for me as I'm sitting here thinking of my new granddaughter who was born. Jess went into LABOR last week, and had a precious baby girl. The family is overjoyed. This is such a nice picture of your daughter and grandson....and it looks like he got a new haircut. I love that painting too. It's so Fall looking. And that homemade jam from your friend looks Yummy, and there's nothing like thoughtful, homemade gifts. : )


Jeanie said...

I hope your Labor Day was without labor and great fun!

Linda P said...

A day dedicated to workers is important. You've given some good examples from your own experiences Marilyn. That's a lovely photo of your daughter and grandson. I hope you are all well.