Monday, September 25, 2023

Word Magic

 Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and 

learning to be astonished.
—Mary Oliver
This morning I came across this quote and that word "astonished" just jumped out at me.
Isn't that an amazing word? What images does it conjure in your mind? 

So the word for this week is ASTONISH.

Definition: to strike with sudden and usually great wonder or surprise
I hope you all had a wonderful week while I was away. I hope there were times you were astonished. I am constantly astonished at the beauty in nature. And again as I have said so many times, when we "notice what we notice", we can be astonished.

As I was standing still looking at the beauty around me a few days ago at Lake Crescent I had to snap this above picture. I was astonished that this young couple sat so perfectly still, enjoying the beauty and love. I noticed in my quietness and thought it was the perfect portrayal of the beauty around us. With my camera in hand I am always searching out Adirondack chairs by water and this was perfection.

On another day I went searching for Adirondack chairs by water in Victoria, BC. You don't see the water in this picture, but that is what this couple was looking at. I think part of my astonishment was finding young couples savoring the beauty of nature around them.

Where I was most astonished was at the Butterfly Garden in Victoria, BC. Let me share a few pictures and you can see.

I talked to these parrots for awhile and they listened, but didn't respond.

However, this little guy was listening and waiting for me to talk to him.
When I turned and found him sitting on the fence waiting for me we had quite a lovefest of chatting and singing. He hopped right on me and looked in my face. He said "hello" and "I love you". He rested his beak right on my arm in such a loving manner. Now he astonished me with his visitation and loving. I think this was a highlight for me. 

He was a "great wonder and surprise".

And yes!!!! The butterflies were beautiful.
One did land on me, but I more enjoyed that pretty green parrot than all the fluttering butterflies.

So for this week, be astonished by little things in your day.

Sending love to you, dear friends!


Sandi Magle said...

Oh, my gosh...from someone who was bit three times helping a sick friend with their African
grey....goodness, astonish isn't the half of that sweet. Love this post! Hugs, Sandi

Jeanie said...

Oh Marilyn, these photos are fabulous. I'm so glad you could get one of you with the parrot on your shoulder. That would indeed be astonishing!