Monday, January 8, 2024

Words of Kindness and Joy

 A cup of kindness in the form of tea poured for me just yesterday.

Tea pourer extraordinaire! With a smile and laughter he poured the tea.

 "You can always give something, even if it is only kindness." Anne Frank

Anne Frank's story impacted me from the time I first read her story, probably about high school age. When I came across this quote on kindness I was just struck by the thought of this. It doesn't take much to give kindness and yet so often we get caught up in the every day life that we forget to say a kind word or give a smile to the person next to you. 

Let's heal the world with kindness!

Have a great week, dear friends!

Sending love, Marilyn


Rosemary said...

Such a beautiful quote, such a simple gesture. Kindness.
Something so simple, costs nothing, yet leaves a sweet memory with those you have touched.

Linda P said...

The words "a cup of kindness" reminds me of the words we sing on New Year's Eve to the tune "Auld Lang Syne" while holding hands. Kindness is important. A kind word or action is much appreciated. The photo of the tea pourer is a joyful one.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Anne Frank quote. The tea party looked great fun.
Just received today’s mail - you are so kind dear Marilyn to share the bunny card with me - it’s awesome 💖. Many thanks for the card and the kind greeting inside.
Love and hugs💞

Lorrie said...

Anne Frank has been much on my mind lately. I've read a couple of books about her time in hiding. The quote about kindness is so true and we would all do well to remember it and put it into practice.

Jeanie said...

I was in junior high when I read "Diary" -- I remember reading it at the lake on the swing up north and I have been fascinated with her and her brief life ever since, reading Mueller's wonderful biography of Anne and her family and beyond. She was so wise.

A lovely post, Marilyn. And so very true.

Red Rose Alley said...

A heartwarming post of kindness and spreading it to those around us, Marilyn. It is a word of healing for sure. I love Anne Frank quotes. My daughters visited the Anne Frank house while in Europe, and they said it was something everyone should see.

I hope the new year has been good to you so far.
