Saturday, May 16, 2020

California Girl

I was a California girl through and through.
Any chance to be at the beach, I was there. laying in the sun and body surfing.
No fear was my middle name when it came to swimming out in the ocean
teasing friends to go further.
The sounds of the waves still tickles at my heart and call me.
But there were other things that called me too.
California poppies made me smile.
Walking barefoot on a hot summer day through a fine sifting of orchard dirt.
Heading to my uncle's ranch with the large icy cold soda chest to grab an orange soda.
Driving country roads to the baseball field to watch a favorite boy play ball.
Eating watermelon and letting the sweet, sticky juices run down my arms.
Flying through the air on the rope swing or swimming in the local watering hole.
So this week when I went walking in my neighborhood and saw
poppies and purple flowers that grew wild in my California girlhood days,
I just smiled and remembered.
Wondering if the people living in the house I passed were California transplants too.
Did they plants these flowers to remember?

What triggers a memory for you?
These memories can be most powerful!

Happy weekend, dear friends!
Hope you are having a good one staying put.
Sending Love!


Red Rose Alley said...

Your post touched my heart, as I'm a California girl, and it sounds like you lived close to the area that I moved to. So many wonderful memories you have going to your uncle's ranch, eating watermelon, and just enjoying those Summer days. The Poppies looked so glorious as we traveling through the Grapevine. I've never seen them before covering the mountains with their beauty. I love that first photo of the surfer, as we have a whole bunch of surfers in the family. Those purple flowers are so pretty. Thank you for this California post, Marilyn. It spoke to my heart.


Laurie said...

I grew up in Michigan and have never been to California or even close! I've seen many beautiful pictures of the scenery, and always thought it would be a wonderful state to visit, especially the northern sections. Here, I have so many pleasant memories of growing up in our great state. We have an area called Beard's Hill. Whenever I go through the curvy roads there, I remember fondly the family picnics and rides through the hills that my father would take us on. It takes me back to much simpler times.

Mary said...

. . . . . . and the rest of we girls wanted to be just like you, 'California girls', even when we lived in England and only saw you in the movies!!!!!! Marilyn, I too grew up at the shore - a beautiful bay on the English Channel - and we swam all summer even though the water was usually chilly. We never saw a watermelon, but did gobble down lovely soggy tomato sandwiches brought to the beach in our bags.
Lovely memories XX

Jeanie said...

Those Cali poppies are so pretty. Once visiting I bought a packet of seeds but they never took here. I love the cheerful orange color!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Do you think fair weather brings out the strongest memories of our youth? You've got some good ones! So many wonderful experiences for us all during summer in particular. Oh, the freedom! My husband grew up in California. He had the ideal childhood.

Linda P said...

We have self-seeded orange poppies in our garden right now, but I don't think they're California poppies. My aunt's favourite perfume was called California Poppy. Your post has triggered that remembrance of a lovely lady. For me May time is associated with pergolas of wisteria, lily-of-the valley which is my birthday flower, May day celebrations, country dancing and dancing around a maypole at primary school.

Tracy said...

This was SWEET, Marilyn! I was born in PA... but England (UK generally) is my heartland. I have Enlgish/Scottish heritage... So I always feel at home there! I've longed dreamed of living in England, but I think that's just a pipedream, a daydream now... But I don't mind dreaming! ;) ((HUGS))

Adrienne said...

My dear, little mother was born and raised in Southern California. She dearly loved California poppies so she made sure she had them in her garden here. Shortly after we moved into our home she arrived with a pot of poppies for me. She planted them just outside our bedroom window - that has since been replaced with glass doors. Every morning I look out and enjoy 'her' poppies as they bloom. And I whisper a 'thank you' to her for blessing me with part of her.