Monday, July 18, 2022

A Gift for You - A Flower and A Poem


Filled by a Cuppa

There are many reasons we take tea,

But I must say that

Toasting one's object of affection

Must certainly be the most delighting.

A wink, a nod, a smile,

All are appropriate and admirable

Dalliances at tea.

So lift up your cuppa,

Tilt it slightly toward your target,

Look your love square in the eye,

Raise your brow slightly and

Smile a secret invitation.

Then wait for the knowing

And glowing response

That only you will see.

Then both you and your love will say,

'Oh, what fulfillment comes from tea!'

~Susan Patterson, from her book Passions

Susan was one of my presenters, reading her poetry, at the TeaFestPDX event this past weekend.  Soon I will share more about the tea festival. I was both exhausted and elated over the response and the beautiful day.

 Have a great week, dear friends!



Mary said...

What a lovely poem - I bet Ms. Susan really was a great addition to the TeaFestPDX!
My neighbor arrived in Portland last night for his first visit to the PNW - he's excited to be seeing new places, and especially hiking some of the nature trails etc. I gave him details on Lan Su Gardens in case he has time to spare in the city - he's meeting cousins joining him from Texas so will be busy.
Meanwhile I'm sitting Ms. Nala for him - she actually purred today when I arrived to feed and water!

Red Rose Alley said...

A delightful poem, Marilyn, and I love that photo - it's got soft colors and is calming on this Monday morning. Have a beautiful week.


Lorrie said...

"Dalliances at tea" is a lovely line that has me imagining flirtatious looks across a raised teacup. Delightful!