Friday, April 14, 2023

An Adventure to the Sea


Soft shades of brown and blue

While listening to over the rainbow

I listen to the silence with a cup of tea in hand

The waves roll in and welcome me

Dark figures walking by the sea

The birds glide in the breezes and catch the wind

The black dog scampers by with the freedom of wide expanses

A winter sea, a time with friends is nourishment for the soul

It delights me

The power of the sea astonishes me.

Walking, savoring the day with dear friends is precious.

Noticing what they notice, what I notice brings pleasure to my heart.


And the sun passes by on another day quite silently.

It dips below the sea and I sleep.

Words written in my journal not so long ago.
Do you enjoy walking by the sea?
Listening as the waves roll in and out, tumbling over the sand and rocks?
Do you leave your footprints in the sand only to be washed away?
Do you notice the feather left by a bird flying by?
I am a girl of the sea and water.
I always have been.
So it soothes my soul and I smile whenever I can walk by the sea. 
Happy weekend, dear friends!
Hope you have a special adventure even if it is a walk in your own backyard.


Catherine said...

I love the sea and listening to the waves also soothes my soul.

Mary said...

Oh to walk there with you - beautiful shoreline. Having grown up by the sea I certainly miss it when it's not within walking distance.
Lovely photos Marilyn - and I admit I'm envious. Hugs.

Linda P said...

I would love to live close enough to the sea to get there often. The waves look powerful in your photos. A walk on the dunes must be invigorating especially when friends accompany you.

Jeanie said...

I love it when you go to the sea -- but I love it even more when you write about it. It takes us there. (And yes, I love the sea and water!)