Friday, April 7, 2023

Seeking Beauty

Recently I mentioned to my "live-in gardener" that the difference between us was that he looks for the quickest way to get somewhere and I look for the most beautiful way to get there. I love taking the road less traveled just to find the beauty or the art of the way. I love making the cards I send to friends just to share the beauty in the little things.

I visit the antique mall with my camera so I can enjoy the beauty.

Walks outdoors in the early morning when I snap a daily picture of the garden fills my heart with beauty and peace.
I look for the small things each and every day.
They delight my heart.
Recently I came across this quote and it just made me smile, it was me.

“I think everything in life is art. What you do. How you dress. The way you love someone, and how you talk. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in, and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea. How you decorate your home. Or party. Your grocery list. The food you make. How your writing looks. And the way you feel. Life is art.”

Helena Bonham Carter 
I remember when I was about high school age, I shared a bedroom with my sister. Her side of the room would be messy and she would be jealous because my side was pretty and neat. I had realized even then how important beauty was to me and so even a small vase of flowers touched my soul.
If I hadn't been paying attention or noticing what I notice I would have not seen Joey invite himself to tea. Even Joey notices something of beauty from a sniff of a flower to a lap of warm milk.

Easter is always a beautiful time for me as it includes sweet bunnies, chicks, new growth and flowers, and the laughter of children. May you be blessed with all of that and more this Easter.
 Have a special springtime weekend.


Jeanie said...

This is such a wonderful post! I laughed -- I think Live In Gardener and Rick operate the same when it comes to getting there! I love that photo of Joey more than I can say. It's a prize winner. You should send it to a tea magazine. Or a Somerset publication.

Mary said...

Helena B-C comes across as whacko in much of her life, she is however a great actress, and from this wonderful quote, I now see she makes sense and would be a great person to hang out with!