Friday, December 8, 2023

Come In

 I most often read in the morning with my cup or pot of tea. For December every year I pull out Nigel Slater's book, The Christmas Chronicles. This year I am also reading throughout the the book, Light Rain Sometimes Fall, A British Year Through Japan's 72 Seasons, by Lev Parikian. Each section is only 3 or 4 pages and quite easy to read every few days.

A couple quotes this morning just stuck with me. They are quite simple, but did cause me to think.

"Yesterday was a day for moving on; today is a day for lingering. So I linger." from Light Rain Sometimes Fall. Do we take the time to linger on occasional days?

"And yes, I know the world is a shitstorm at the moment, but we all need a safe harbour." from The Christmas Chronicles. He is talking about inviting someone into your home, a "safe harbour". It might not have, as he says mince pies, but it is a place of safety, warmth in a time of difficult times, and a place where we can offer a bit of bread. A time to linger.


Do you schedule in times to linger during the holiday season? Or do you say, after the holiday season I will rest? I hope you are finding times during the season to put your feet up, sip a cup of tea, maybe read a book and linger by the lights of the Christmas tree. 

The wizard doing his magic under my little tree.

Maybe we stroll down a magical lane of Christmas?

Take time to linger and savor each moment of the holiday season.

If you came to my door I would say, "Come In". Come and linger with me awhile. Would you like a cup of tea, maybe a cookie too?

Sending love,



Lorrie said...

I would love to stop by for a cup of tea and a cookie, Marilyn. Taking time to rest each day and think about the season is something I try to do. This is such a special season to enjoy.

Jeanie said...

Oh Marilyn, your decorations are enchanting. I love your tree. And I'd love to linger with you for tea! (I think I've been lingering too much -- I'm far behind!) Ha!

Red Rose Alley said...

Your Christmas tree is very nice, Marilyn, and I love those houses you set up around your house. The little tree with the colored balls is delightful too. Yes, I always linger during the Christmas season. It's the most wonderful time of year, so I embrace it to the fullest. The gold beads you wrapped around your tree are festive and add a special touch.

Have a merry holiday week, Marilyn.
