Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Word Magic, The Final One for 2023

 The final word for 2023 is LEARN

Definition:  gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.

Laying in bed very early on a recent morning I thought about words and what have I learned. As a young girl I loved opening the dictionary and pointing to a word to learn and start including in my vocabulary. Over 30 years ago I started picking a word for the year. Some years I would get through part of the year and almost forget about the word, but then I would say "pay attention" and always I would learn something.

This past year my word was VOICE. It was one of those words that I sort of ignored for awhile. When it chose me I thought I would speak more, but I realized I really wasn't speaking more. Recently what I learned is that there are different ways of using your voice, not necessarily by speaking. For me I realized that in using your voice you are REVEALING you. I needed to reveal me and who I was. So slowly I am revealing who I am by words I write and very occasionally by what comes from my mouth. Sometimes the words in my head trickle out in whispers from spirit.

Words are Magical, we learn from them. I hope and pray that in my sharing words this year you also have learned and embraced some words into your own lives.


In paying attention and noticing what word I was being drawn to for my own personal word for 2024, two words came to me. For several months I have felt that there needed to be more kindness in the world and I wanted to embrace that word. I strongly feel like next year is going to be a year of challenge for many of us and that what will get us through it and grow is kindness. Kindness for ourselves and kindness for others. I can fully take that into my heart, but I also needed a word that would challenge me. Ugh!!! I don't really like words that challenge me, for they teach me lessons I am not sure I want to learn. My challenge word is move. I know, that is sort of a strange word to choose, but I need to move my body more. I feel better when I am moving everyday. So for 2024 my personal words are Kindness and Move.


This is my last Word Magic for 2023. For next year I will be focusing on Words of Kindness and Joy on my Monday posts. Who knows where that will take me, maybe a joke or a poem or maybe a story. In sharing words of Kindness and Joy I hope we all learn to share a smile for those that cross our path.

The pictures I shared today are just to make my words more beautiful. This last one was taken in November as I walked this path with my favorite cousin and dear nieces. We shared words during our brief time of being together and I think we all learned new family stories.

Whatever paths we take words will come to your mind, may we grow and embrace them, learning together.

Sending love,




Discovering the power of your chosen word each year is a beautiful journey. "Voice" is such a profound and multifaceted choice. It's inspiring to see how it unfolded, teaching you not only about speaking but also about revealing your true self. May your continuous exploration of words and self-discovery bring you more insights and growth. Visit Melody Jacob blog.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your journey this year and the thoughtful, thought-provoking posts that continue to inspire with their words and pictures. Blessings and best wishes of hope to you in the new year. Judy in Australia

Jeanie said...

This is lovely, Marilyn. I love how you shared how you learned from this regular word journey. It's a marvelous idea and you captured it eloquently in prose, poetry and photography. Onward to a new year, and perhaps a new word or words?

Mary said...

All your posts this year have been meangingful, enjoyable, and I know have brought you closer to those whom the joy of actually being with you in person has yet to happen. My times with you and J, though brief, were beautiful and will always be treasured.
Love your choice of words for the coming year Marilyn, and knowing you I'm certain they will be held close to your heart and acted upon in many ways.
The photos are lovely - just look at the carpet of golden leaves, gorgeous!
Happiest of New Years to you and dear J. Who knows what the year will bring, but hopefully it will shower us, our respective families and many friends, with good health and happiness all around.
Mary xx