Monday, December 18, 2023

Word Magic

 The word this week is SOLSTICE

definition: The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about June 21 and December 22).

When I think of Solstice I think of the night sky, of the moon and stars. 

As the sun set on Saturday I had the joy of visiting a friend that lives with the view of the Willamette River that runs through the middle of Portland. It divides east and west. At Christmas about 25 boats decorate with lights to welcome in the season of darkness and joy. As the light dims the boats turn on their lights and parade down the river. Solstice is the season to celebrate the light. In winter I love to light a few candles as the light fades into night.

Stars appear in my kitchen, as I celebrate the light sent by the stars.

And I pay attention to the moon. Soon it will be another full moon appearing on the horizon.

It's often said to be a time of new beginnings; with the changing of the seasons, we say goodbye to a long, stagnant period of self-reflection and welcome the fiery energy of the sun to propel us forward. This very physical changing of the seasons is a powerful time to manifest spiritual transformations.

Setting ones intentions and preparing for change. 

I don't know if this time encourages you to evaluate and set new intentions for the coming year or not. For me it does.

Just take note, notice the darkness and light a candle to celebrate the coming of the light. Cuddle in with a special person, wrap in a cozy quilt, sip something that warms your soul clear down to your toes and welcome the darkness as we watch for the light.

Happy Solstice week, dear friends!



Jeanie said...

I welcome the winter solstice more than any other for it means the return of the light -slow but sure. Longer days to come. It's a special, quiet "celebration."

I heard on FB (so who knows -- it may or may not be true!) that there will be a full moon on Christmas Day -- it won't happen again for another 11 (?) years and hasn't for many years before (can't remember). Light in the darkness.

This is a beautiful post. I'd love to see the boat parade.

Red Rose Alley said...

The Winter Solstice will be here soon. I've always had a time pronouncing this word. For me, it's just the Winter season. The stars that you baked look so Yummy. I can just visualize your words on lighting a candle, wrapping up in a cozy quilt, and sipping on something warm. Sounds perfect to me. ; )

Merry Christmas to you, dear Marilyn.


Mary said...

Again - have a lovely, festive Christmas dears.
May the candles glimmer and the lights shine, may this world return to better times and people become gentle and kind again.
Much love, Mary XX